- Jun
- 18
Photo Gallery:Peter Shankman Addresses PRSA GA Meeting
Posted on June 18, 2009 by No Comments
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Great GA PRSA meeting today with the Help A Reporter Out (HARO) founder Peter Shankman as our guest speaker.
Noting that social media is based on rules “you’ve already heard from your mother,” Shankman had this advice:
1. Transparency. Be Honest.
2. Relevancy. Find out what and how your prospects and customers want to hear from you.
3. Brevity. The average attention span is 2.7 seconds, or roughly the length of one 140-character Tweet.
4. “You can’t make something viral. You can only make something good.”
If you’re in PR and you don’t know HARO, you should. It matches thousands of journalists looking for sources with all of us who subscribe.
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