- Jan
- 24
Scrub-Free Outdoor Mildew and Mold Removal: New O’Reilly-DePalma Client
Posted on January 24, 2012 by Nora DePalma
As a composite deck cleaner, Wet & Forget is effective and simple to use, with no scrubbing.
Today, we are excited to announce a new client: Wet & Forget makes it so easy to remove mold, mildew, algae, and moss stains from outdoor surfaces without bleach, powerwashing or scrubbing.
Environmentally gentle, simply “wet it and forget it” on decks, patios, concrete, roofs and more. A trusted product in Australia and New Zealand for 30 years, Wet & Forget is now available nationally in the U.S. for the first time.
For media information-plus other amazing before and after photos-visit our media page for Wet & Forget.
To learn more about where to buy, visit the Wet & Forget store locator. You can also follow @wetandforget on Twitter and like Wet and Forget on Facebook.
The following YouTube video featuring Wet & Forget president Brett Perry is a great demonstration of how easy the product is to use. Brett is available for media interviews - just contact us to arrange.